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Dongxia Zhang
Research Area:
Power System Simulation, Stability Analysis, Integration of Renewable Energy Sources , Micro Grid Operation Control, Storage Energy Planning and Operation Control
Prof Dongxia Zhang received her BEng degree, Master degree from Taiyuan University of Technology and Ph.D degree from Tsinghua University China, in 1985.1992,1999 respectively. She has been working in China Electric Power Research Institute since 1999,and presently she is also working as a professor in the College of Electrical and Power Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology. Her research interests include power system simulation, stability analysis, smart grid,big data & AI application. She is vice editor-in-chief of Proceedings of the CSEE,assistant director of Artificial Intelligence Committee of China Electrotechnical Society,member of expert group of China Industry Internet Institute.
(1) Zhang D, Han X, Deng C. Review on the research and practice of deep learning and reinforcement learning in smart grids[J]. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2018, 4(3): 362-370.doi: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2018.00520.
(2) Zhang D, Qiu R C. Research on big data applications in Global Energy Interconnection[J]. Global Energy Interconnection, 2018, 1(3): 352-357.
(3) LI Zonghan, ZHANG Dongxia, LIU Daowei, MA Shiying, SHAO Guanghui, et al. Rapid Location Method of Controlled Splitting Sections for Power Grid Based on the Voltage Vector Portraits[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE,2020,40(3): 701-712,182550.
(4) LIU Wei, ZHANG Dongxia, WANG Xinying, HOU Jinxiu, LIU Liping. A Decision Making Strategy for Generating Unit Tripping Under Emergency Circumstances Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2018, 38(1):109-119.
(5) LIU Wei, ZHANG Dongxia, DING Yucheng, WU Qian, DENG Chunyu, LIU Daowei. Power Grid Vulnerability Identification Methods Based on Random Matrix Theory and Entropy Theory[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE,2017,37(20):5893-5901.
(6) LIU Wei, ZHANG Dongxia, WANG Xinying, LIU Daowei,WU Qian. Power System Transient Stability Analysis Based on Random Matrix Theory[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2016, 36(18): 4854-4863.
(7) WU Qian, ZHANG Dongxia, LIU Daowei, LIU Wei, DENG Chunyu. A Method for Power System Steady Stability Situation Assessment Based on Random Matrix Theory[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2016, 36(20): 5414-5420,161114.
(8) Zhang S, Zhang D, Qiao J, et al. Preventive control for power system transient security based on XGBoost and DCOPF with consideration of model interpretability[J]. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2020.
(9) WU Qian, ZHANG Dongxia, LING Xuefeng, LIU Daowei, QI Yongzhi, et al. Dynamic Analysis of Disturbance Propagation in Power Grid Based on an Epidemic Model[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE,2019,39(14): 4061-4069.
(10) Liu Y, Zhang D, Gooi H B. Data-driven decision-making strategies for electricity retailers: Deep reinforcement learning approach[J]. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2020.
(11) Li Z, Zhang D, Liu D, et al. Dynamic capture method for out-of-step center of power grid based on the measurement information[J]. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2020.
(12) ZHANG Dongxia, MIAO Xin, LIU Liping, ZHANG Yan, LIU Keyan. Research on Development Strategy for Smart Grid Big Data[J].Proceedings of the CSEE,2015,35(1): 2-12.
(13) ZHANG Dongxia, YAO Liangzhong, MA Wenyuan. Development Strategies of Smart Grid in China and Abroad[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE,2013,33(31): 1-14,S1.
(14) SONG Yun-ting,ZHANG Dong-xia, WU Jun-ling,PENG Dong, LIANG Cai-hao, et al. Comparison and Analysis on Power Supply Reliability of Urban Power Distribution Network at Home and Abroad[J]. Power System Technology,2008,32(23): 13-18.
(15) ZHANG Dong-xia,TANG Yong,ZHU Fang,ZHANG Hong-bin,JIANG Yi-guo,JIANG Wei-ping,ZHAO Hong-guang. Study on Load Model Validation and Its Adjustment Approach Based on Calibration of Simulations against Disturbances[J].Power System Technology,2007, 31(4): 24-31.
(16) ZHANG Dongxia, TANG Yong , ZHU Fang, ZHANG Hongbin. Equivalent Model for Induction-motor Load Connected to High Voltage Bus[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE,2006,26(3): 14-18.
(17) ZHANG Dongxia, TONG Luyuan, WANG Zhonghong. Thyristor controlled series capacitor control using iterative learning control[J]. J Tsingh ua Univ ( Sci & Tech ), 2000, 40(1): 13-16.
(18) ZHANG Dongxia, TONG Luyuan, YIN Zhongdong, WANG Zhonghong. Analytical Mathematical Model for Describing the Dynamic Behavior of the Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 1999, 19(5): 30-34.
(19) ZHANG Dongxia, TONG Luyuan, ZHENG Wenbin, WANG Zhonghong. Dynamic Simulation of Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation Device in Transient Stability Calculation[J]. Power System Technology, 1997,21(3): 69-71.
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